Workforce Top GHA Legislative Priority

Health Care Workforce Growth and Support
GHA supports efforts to increase the number of qualified, and job-ready clinical staff for hospitals to help quickly address the critical health care workforce shortage in Georgia. Additional funding for education programs, worker incentives and other initiatives all ensure that the health care workforce capacity matches the needs of our communities. As Georgia’s population grows, it is even more important that hospitals are able to appropriately respond to emergencies and other statewide health care demands. GHA opposes staffing mandates and other regulations that add significant costs or barriers to employing an adequate and skilled health care workforce.

Radio PSA: Be the Hero 

State Workforce Agencies and Licensing Boards

GHA Marjorie Hogan Workforce Development Program

Program History 

In 1993, retired GHA Executive Director Mr. Glenn Hogan (the association’s first Executive Director) left an endowment to the Georgia Hospital Research and Education Foundation (GHAREF) in honor of his late wife Marjorie.  Mr. Hogan’s stated purpose for the endowment was to provide “financial assistance to young people desiring to prepare for a career in the health care field.”  

Program Description 

The GHA Marjorie Hogan Workforce Development Program has two components:  

  • Hogan Hospital Internship 

  • HOSA-Future Health Professionals Partnership.  
    (formerly Health Occupations Students of America) 

Interested in this program or for more information visit the Marjorie G. Hogan Workforce Development web page. Contact Becca Hallum with any questions.

Recognition and Retention

The DAISY award was established to recognize nurses who have provided extraordinary care for patients and their families. Nurses can be nominated by anyone who experiences or observes an extraordinary act of compassion or recognizes a patient-nurse relationship that truly made a difference. GHA encourages all hospitals to participate. For more information, visit the Daisy Foundation.

Surveys and Consulting

A benefit of GHA membership is the opportunity to participate in an annual compensation survey. Individual hospital data is confidential but included in the aggregate data that is shared with participating organizations. Contact Kati Hyland for more information.