Patient Safety & Quality


The Patient Safety and Quality Awards recognize health care organizations for their achievements in reducing the risk of medical errors and improving patient safety and medical outcomes. Thank you to everyone who attended this year's summit! Watch the recap.


Patient Safety Awareness Week Logo Competition

Thank you to all who entered the logo contest and congratulations to this year's winner, Logan Duncan from Monroe County Hospital!


Congratulations to the 2025 Award Winners!

Community Health

Communities trust hospitals to provide quality care and education and use them as a resource for health, wellness, prevention and care. GHA partnered with Alliant Health Solutions to provide assistance to members’ communities for the purpose of improving local health care and collaboration. The partnership aims to support local community efforts to improve a local and mutually agreed upon goal such as chronic disease management, care transitions, patient safety, or behavioral health.

Hospital Quality Improvement

The Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program (FLEX) aims to improve access to preventive and emergency health care services for rural populations. The Medicare Beneficiary Quality Improvement Project (MBQIP) is an initiative within FLEX that is funded through the Health Resources and Services Administration's Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) and funded to support quality improvement (QI) work with small rural hospitals.

The Hospital Quality Improvement Contract (HQIC) – The Georgia Hospital Association served as a contractor to Alliant Health Solutions, who serves as a Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) within its Network of Quality Improvement and Innovation Contractors.

The Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant Program (SHIP) provides funding to more than 1,600 participating hospitals in 47 participating State Offices of Rural Health (SORH) to help small rural hospitals participate in various Affordable Care Act (ACA) delivery system reforms, such as value-based purchasing programs, accountable care organizations and payment bundling.


GHA Quality and Patient Safety Webinars 


Infection Prevention

Infection Preventionist Resource Book (Login Required)

Project Firstline

The Georgia Hospital Association partners with the Georgia Department of Public Health to provide educational resources as well as a professional network of infection prevention professionals through Project Firstline. This is an initiative that provides resources to infection prevention (IP) professionals so they can provide education to frontline clinical and non-clinical staff members. Resources and assistance to acquire a Certification in Infection Control (CIC) may also be made available. For additional information, please contact Peggy McGee at .